Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Ashley & Barnes apparently is moving to Amesbury or so says the sign outside the store.

I've honestly never been inside so I can't say I'll miss it. (Nice window though.) But this will create a huge hole on Pleasant Street. (Before anyone says anything about Karp, this isn't a Newburyport Development property, according to the online database.)

Interesting, at the chain store ban hearing last fall, the owner, whose name I can't recall, said something about planning to open a chain of stores. I'm not sure how or if this closing affects those plans.

I know he already had a place on Elm Street. I didn't think it was retail, but perhaps it is. Or maybe he's moving into the Amesbury's increasingly chic downtown.

Now if I can only get the Barking Dog to move to our chic downtown.

Anyway, he's got a big sale going on.



Emo said...

If you guys abolish the state income tax, I'll move back.

No, actually, I won't, but I'd support a similar proposal here in California.

As Massachusetts goes, so goes . . . .

Anonymous said...

I hate to let on how unobservant I am, but which store is Ashley & Barnes? What do they sell? Obviously, not something I need. :-)

Tom Salemi said...

It's the high end furniture store near the art gallery.


Gillian Swart said...

I had the same reaction as Dick, initially. Had to think what store you were referring to.

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