Sunday, October 25, 2009

Charter Review Commission Forum

The Newburyport Democratic City Committee will be sponsoring a forum for all Charter Commission Candidates on Tuesday, 10/27 at 7PM at City Hall Auditorium. This will be nonpartisan much like the event for Mayoral and Council candidates sponsored by the Newburyport Republicans earlier this fall.

Hope to see you there.

The Newburyport Charter Review blog is at

And please check out the new page "The Candidates" which features short bio's for all 20 candidates.

Please spread the word about Question 1 on the Newburyport Ballot!!!


Emo said...

Have you answered the question of why there should be a Charter Review Commission in the first place?

Mary Harbaugh said...

The Zoning Board has scheduled public hearings on a couple of controversial proposals that same evening, beginning at the same time. Because some of us would like to both attend the ZBA hearings *and* meet Charter Commission candidates, I'm wondering whether any of the candidates might be able to arrive early (say, 6:30 pm?), so interested folks could attend both events. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Quick! Change the charter to abolish the ZBA and eliminate the conflict that night! Brilliant!

Tom Salemi said...

Hi Mary, not sure if they're reading the blog. I'll try to get there a bit early but it might be tough. What are the ZBA issues? The glass penthouse?

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