Saturday, June 14, 2008

This Sucks

As I wrote to my father-in-law...

I'm struck by how much his death really has affected me. I rarely watch him except on election night so his professional impact will be minimal.

But what I guess I'll miss most is his decency. He just seemed like a good, good man.

I can think of no finer epithetepitaph.

True, we never know the true nature of celebrities. But I think the decency was genuine.

I truly feel for his son too, losing his dad so close to Father's Day.

Anyway, I'm glad I'm spending tomorrow with my dad, father-in-law, and, of course, The Boy.

Happy Father's Day to all.



Gillian Swart said...

Same here, Tom. At least he had just spent what seems to have been quality time with his family. It still sucks, though.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean epitaph? Unlesss you meant to insult the poor guy...

Tom Salemi said...

Yeah, I did. I can sometimes be a moron.

Thanks for catching it.

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