Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Secret Plan?

Nope, just a late April Fool's day joke. This actual structure can be found in Columbus, Ohio. But I do think something of this ilk--albeit a tad smaller--would look fine along our river. It would really connect the waterfront to the downtown.

But we've been here before.

Been a bit busy lately, so something had to give. I'll pick up the posting. Meanwhile, there's not shortage of Newburyport-oriented blogs to choose from along the right column.



Anonymous said...


Don't quit your day job! Please - for the sake of our community, refrain from making design recommendations about what might "look nice" on the waterfront. I know you intended the photo as an April Fool's Day joke (and it certainly was better than what those lame high school kids came up with), but your follow-up comments highlight the fact that you know zip about architecture, design, or urban planning. Stick to writing about political issues.

Tom Salemi said...

Hmmmm, I never claimed to hold a degree in any of those areas. But, unfortunately for you and our delightful community, I have opinions about all of them.

And as long as I'm paying for this microphone, Mr. (or Ms.) Anonymous!! I intend to use it!!

As always, thanks for commenting.

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