Thursday, January 29, 2009

Landfill Update


Here's considerably more on the landfill/Youtube controversy. Kudos to Gillian Swart and The Current for tracking this down, and she does a nice job of weaving traditional news reporting with links to the videos to tell a more complete story.

Gillian refers to a You Tube video where Everett mayor Carlo DeMaria told the city's Board of Alderman that he was told by Mayor Moak that Newburyport would reopen its landfill for dumping. Everett officials care a great deal of this, because the material to be dumped currently resides in their city.

I suspect the tip is the fruit of her labors on her own blog, Port Reporter Unlimited. She's been following the landfill issue religously, and it's a great example of how online and printed media can compliment each other.

Even though the printed current doesn't come out until tomorrow, the online version is up and available. The Daily News appears to try to play catch up on this one today in its Heard Around Town. Unfortunately I can't find a link to the article.


Gillian Swart said...

Thanks, Tom.

You're right - I don't expect that I would know as much about this as I do if not for some people in Everett who somehow found my blog.

Those people are so invested in what's going on here and put so much stock in our city leaders and their willingness to fight for what they think is right - it's incredible.

Tom Salemi said...

I copied this from an anonymous poster and deleted a short part of the message that I wasn't comfortable publishing.

Essentially, the poster suggests the Youtube video contradict the statement reported in the Current.

To be honest, I'm not all that up-to-date on this issue. But Gillian Swart points out in her blog. Sounds like a he said/she said affair.

Quote from Newburyport health inspector Jack Morris.

Morris said that, contrary to rumor, he did not recommend that Everett enter into a consent agreement with Wood Waste Boston, but rather he told that city's officials they should rescind the site assessment on the property and invoke a cease and desist order.






Anonymous said...

Yea, it's a he said/she said affair however, what would Morris get out of lying? He tried to help Everett. They only wanted him there to open the landfill. That's their government, not the citizens.

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