Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Polls Closing

Today's the last day to vote. Once again, I'm surprised by the a** whupping being delivered by the Crow's Lanes supporters.

But the people are speaking.


Emo said...

The biggest story of the year was the inexplicable decision of Mass. voters to retain the state income tax.

Biggest story after the one-year anniversary of Newburyport Posts, of course.

Tom Salemi said...

I can explain it.

Top 10 reasons why I voted against the question, as imagined by question supporters.

10. I can't be trusted with my own money.
9. Big government = Better government.
8. Hacks are people too.
7. I'd do anything to piss off Howie Carr.
6. I'll do anything to befuddle PKL.
5. Government knows best.
4. Hell, it's only money.
3. I thought no meant yes.
2. I thought yes meant no.
1. I'm a sucker.

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