Friday, February 1, 2008

This Isn't Going to Help

I can't say for sure whether Congressman Tierney has voted on the above poll, but if he has I suspect he'd be voting no.

From Victor Tine's excellent article in today's Daily News:

But Tierney earlier in the day had raised doubts about whether Marlowe's services were needed. He said the full $1.4 million originally requested for the dredging had been approved by the House without any outside assistance.

"Where is the value added of this person?" Tierney said.

That's a very good question.

According to the article, John Moak is taking a measured approach toward the lobbyists fee. He wants to talk to councilors before he decides whether or not to submit a request for $18,000. This is a wise approach, and I think a great start toward warmer Council-Mayor relations.

A handful of councilors did attend last night's meeting, according to the article.

Five of the 11 members of the City Council attended last evening's session: Councilors-at-Large Barry Connell, Donna Holaday, Steven Hutcheson and Kathleen O'Connor Ives, and Ward 5 Councilor Brian Derrivan.


Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, what's missing from the article is that Newbury selectman Dr Russo contacted Congressman Tierney and Senators Kennedy and Kerry 3 years ago regarding the condition of the south jetty and not a single dollar has been appropriated to repair it. Representatives of the Army Corp who inspected the jetty in '05 and '07 were stunned by its condition.

The goal is not to embarrass our congressional delegation. Marlowe and Company was able to secure $144 million in FY '06 for its clients (all government entities and non-profits) which translates to a rate of return of $140 for every $1 invested.

Tom Salemi said...

I believe that's been reported in the past and is largely understood. But it certainly bears repeating.

And I certainly understand your intention isn't to embarrass our reps. I'm merely pointing out that Tierney seems threatened by the notion or, in the very least, he sees it as a waste of money.

Doesn't give our city councilors any degree of political cover if they felt they needed some.

BTW, I popped my head into the meeting last night. Looked like it was well attended but I couldn't stay.

Ari Herzog said...

For what it's worth, take a look at this article from USA Today last August. Then run an online search for the keywords "Marlowe" and "beach" and you will see countless beach communities up and down both coasts that utilized Marlowe's services.

Personally, I'd equate my perspective with that of Councilor Tom O'Brien's words in a recent Daily News piece, where he suggests the money should be spent in more needed areas. I did hear last night's remarks, and I congratulate Senator Tarr for not taking a stance but looking at all of the issues.

I don't know the background to how Marlowe's company was asked to participate, but I wonder if anyone in Newbury or Newburyport is reaching out to those other beach communities in the country which used his services; and how those residents, such as in Avalon, New Jersey, reacted to their own issues.

Anonymous said...


If you look at Tierney's remarks he seems to be saying..."they asked for dredging funds and I got them...they never asked for beach nourishment". Dr. Russo originally contacted Marlowe & Company to get money for the jetty and it has morphed into a more comprehensive need. Dr Russo reiterated last night that he considers the jetty to be the top priority.

Tom Salemi said...

I advise everyone to read the article since the Daily News Web site is now free.

Tierney does come out and say that the beach nourishment portion is a "fairly recent concern."

The larger point of my post is he didn't seem to welcome the help.

As is the case with many things I write about here, I'm not graced with the details. But I did talk with a friend who was out on the island this morning. He's not a Plum Island resident but someone who's been around for many years, and he said he'd never seen the tide that high on the beach.

I stand by my Yes vote in the poll.

Anonymous said...


Dr Russo called Marlowe after another islander read about him in USA today and passed the story along.

This issue just reinforces the belief that nobody in the city cares about the island except the tax man.

Apparently we had money for a doomed special election, a new unmarked hot-rod for the marshall, city vehicles, city cell phones, city paid gas.....

If the city decides it's not the right move politically - that's fine - but claiming we can't afford it is just code for "we don't care"

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