Monday, February 4, 2008

Home Stretch on Poll

Not a lot of time today so I'll just remind those who haven't voted to vote. Also I wanted to draw your attention to a comment made in the previous post by runswithscissors.

If the city decides it's not the right move politically - that's fine - but claiming we can't afford it is just code for "we don't care"

This comment makes me wish I'd framed the question a bit differently. I should have given people a choice of "No, we can't afford it" or "No, this isn't right." If people are voting for the latter, I can see their point more clearly.

If it's the former I do think Scissors has a point given what's at stake.

The Island does appear to be in danger. I can't say whether or not the fixes being sought will ultimately solve the problem. I fear it won't. But I just wonder if non-islanders do recognize what's at stake.

I still see the $18,000 as a wise investment. I know we're short on money in the city, but the concept of being pennywise and pound foolish comes to mind.

Gotta go. Congrats to the Giants, btw. Pitchers and catchers are only two weeks away!

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