Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sobering Assessment

I don't have a lot of time to comment on this today, but Gillian Swart at the Current has an interview with someone at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about Plum Island.

The Gist

“We don’t do beach nourishment projects anymore,” said Ed O’Donnell, New England chief of navigation for the Army Corps of Engineers, except on a cost-sharing basis, he added.
In a 1976 feasibility report the Army Corps of Engineers concluded that “engineering costs prohibit federal participation in any projects” on the 4.7 miles of shoreline at “Plum Island National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding area” in Newburyport-Newbury.
The report recommended that Newburyport and Newbury look for other sources of funding.
This doesn't sound like good news to me. But I need a better understanding of the big picture here.


Anonymous said...

Plan B: Sell Plum Island to Karp, who relocates there and is then swept away in a global warming driven storm, sparing Newburyport from the drama, trauma and agony that's bound to ensue otherwise.

Plan C: Using buckets, swim fins and shovels, motivated victims of Plum Island property values fix beach themselves.

Plan D: Hit up the residents of Newburyport and Newbury for additional taxes in order to fix the island where they can't afford to purchase a garden shed while forgoing necessary infrastructure requirements. After all, what's more important, schools or a beach for your poorly-educated children to hang out on?

Plan E: Hire a consultant/lobbyist.

Plan F: Literally burn money that would have been used to hire a consultant/lobbyist.

Plan G: Accept the fact that, as a barrier island with a history of reconfiguring itself, Plum Island in the future will not be the same as it is today and that there are a few more important things to do than protect some overly-priced homes that are sitting on unstable real estate.

Anonymous said...


That's not a new revelation on Mr O'Donnell's part as he attended the meeting with state and local officials on the island. The key phrase is that they will "cost share" - And that's part of what the PI group is asking for. While the Army Corp is required to use a least cost disposal method for the dreged sand, they can divert those costs towards beach nourishment as long as another party picks up the incremental costs, which are estimated to be $400K. The state can pick up 75% of that (assuming they can find the money) leaving $100K to local entities - public and/or private.

Tom Salemi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom Salemi said...

DISCLAIMER: The views put forth by commenters do not necessarily reflect those of Newburyport Posts or its Management. We don't wish to see Mr. Karp washed out to sea nor do we believe buckets, swim fins and shovels will be much use in the battle to save Plum Island. We have no interest in purchasing a garden shed on Plum Island. We're also against the burning of money, any money. We also disagree with everything else carrot says, but hey, freedom of speech and all that.

Ari Herzog said...

Tom: How has the "Management" of "Newburyport Posts" changed that your post uses the first person singular and this last comment uses the first person plural?

Just wondering.

Tom Salemi said...

We had a lot of layoffs here at Newburyposts. We're down to one writer and one copy editor. Neither is particularly skilled.

Other Port Posters