Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What the...

Your genius blogger just realize his Blog time stamp was set on Pacific Time. The problem has been fixed, but the polls still read 7 hours left to vote.

In reality there are only four more hours. It would be great to get the Mayoral vote up to 100 folks, so if you can send this along to anyone please do.

I hope the site will correct itself. Otherwise....well, I don't know what I'll do. I'll kindly ask people not to vote after 8 p.m.


But more important, the weather has cleared so now you've got no reason to skip the actual vote. Get out there.

p.s. A commenter in the previous post made a very good point. The Hope Church driveway was lined with sign holders standing in the driving rain this morning. Major kudos to them and all sign holders for taking time off work and risking pneumonia.

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