I can't put my finger on why.
Perhaps it's the drop in traffic.
It's entertaining watching folks trying to extend the summer by squeezing in jogging, biking softball, etc. before the sun sets.
And there's something reassuring about watching the boats and floats being pulled off the river. It's sort of like we're gating the doors against winter. Of course I don't own a boat nor do I do the pulling.
The dusk light is just right. The Christmas Tree is coming. The Boy is old enough to take to watch Santa arrive on the Coast Guard Cutter.
Hell, I didn't even mind raking leaves any more, of course having a mega-leafblower does add to the amusement.
It's just a cool time of year.
Feel free to toss this post back in my face with my first complaint about the cold. That should come in three weeks.
(photo is a j. vaiknoras original)
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