Monday, December 1, 2008

State of the Posts

Gentle Reader(s?),

As you may have noticed, posting volume has been way down as of late. To be frank, I've been dealing with a lot of shittake lately, so something had to give. And that something was this blog.

But I do not intend to allow this magical joyride on the InterWeb to end. But we may be taking a detour.

Blogger, the program upon which this blog is based, is disappointing me. For a time, the comments to my posts--the very thing that make this thing fun--have been coming in sporadically. Now, they're not coming in at all, not even the ones I've posted as tests.

Without comments, this is a lonely exercise. So I intend to move this operation to a different location with a different address that I hope will be more reliable. (I feel Google's strength is in innovation, but it lacks in support and upkeep.)

I have something in the works, but I'm not ready for an unveiling yet. But please stay in touch.

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgivings and look forward to a peaceful and happy holiday season.



Bean said...

It's a shame that Blogger is letting you down. Looking forward to your new blog unveiling though.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully there will be a wine and cheese reception.


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