Saturday, December 13, 2008

For what it's worth

I'm willing to drive to Amesbury to drop off some leaves and such. I'm not all that fussy.

Just gives me another reason to visit the Barking Dog.

Also, doesn't it make a great deal of sense to have the compost center at a farm? That way the farm can use the compost.

Or maybe there is some reason why leave compost isn't suitable for farming?


Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting this. I thought the same thing when I read the article this morning.


We have compost and a farm.

Maybe they should go together.

Just like the people who live here (in the port) and then complain that they can smell shit (from Parker St).

I call it life in the big city.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

I believe that municipal leaf compost is only recommended for non-food production uses. There is the potential of some of the leaves coming from the streets where they could pick up metals and petroleum products. Also, there is the issue of dog and cat poo, which nobody recommends putting in the compost heap.

Best to check in with Molly Ettenborough, our Recycling Co-ordinator to fact check me.

James Shanley

Tom Salemi said...

That makes a great deal of sense.

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