Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crank-on-Crank Crime

Personally I find the crowing of potential layoffs of city employees to be distasteful. I'll never understand how people extract pleasure from the misery of others (unless those others happen to be Yankee fans.)

So I was actually heartened to see that only a couple of dingbats commented on today's Daily News article of potential layoffs.Either people are kinder than I thought or those folks with private sector jobs were too busy to comment on the article.

Still, it only took a few comments to draw an anonymous reply (directed at two of the cranks) from someone who claims to work for the city. Who knows if this is the case, but we'll assume it is since a) why would they make the claim if it weren't true and b) it leads to a few points.

First, this poster--going by the name Hellbent--isn't going to win friends or influence people with the tone or content of the message. But nice guys finish last and usually don't post anonymously.

You are complete whackjob. "Living Large". You MUST be from Nbbt, because you are so disconnected from reality..its almost laughable (if it wasnt so sad). Nobody has approached the city workers with a comprehensive plan. We are not about to have some plan shoved down our throat that has not even been brought before us and explained in detail. AFSCME is willing to look at some other plans. What we will not be, is bullied or threatened into some third rate health plan. Benefits are the only reason to be employed by a municipality. It sure as hell isnt the pay..or having to deal with dingbats such as yourself. I truely pray that your company/employer lays your butt off.

"old Salt" No idea what the hell you are trying to prove here. NH plates? Its a crime to live in NH and work for Nbpt?? Just so you know, not many city workers can afford to live in Nbpt. (or would WANT to) So cheaper living in NH it is. You people are nuts. Complete NUTS.

But looking past the slams on the people supposedly paying his or her salary is a claim that the city has never formally presented the GIC and Blue Cross health plans to the union employees. If that's the case, I'm not quite sure how they're supposed to vote on whether or not to accept the new plan. I wonder if that's true.


Anonymous said...


Quick suggestion. You might want to edit your post to point out that the poster was Hellbent and not formallyT.

I won't even go into the whole issue of their registration doing noting but reducing the number of comments on the site and creating a situation that a small number of posters (like formallyT) make 90% of the posts and it becomes an echo-chamber since the registration restrictions make single issue posters just surf on.

Oh, and anyone who wishes can easily post anything anonymously if they try. Completely defeating the whole point of their posting restrictions.


Tom Salemi said...

Btw, thanks for the suggestion SDS

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