Friday, December 5, 2008

Invitation Night

Had the opportunity to enjoy our first Invitation Night. I know you natives hate the tourists and visitors, but man I thought it was a nice time.

UPDATE: I received an email from an out of towner who wanted to know the details on Invitation Night. I admittedly have bad habit of not describing local events. I write with the assumption that every reader knows what I'm talking about.  I'll try to remedy that.

Invitiation Nights, dear readers, are lively evenings in downtown Newburport. Every shop owner opens their doors wide for visitors and shoppers. Some offer sales. Some offer punch or candy canes (as The Boy can attest.) They're generally held on the first and second Fridays of December (I think).

I used to think they were glorified Chamber of Commerce events, but they're really a lot of fun with an abundance of music and festive cheer. 

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