Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mayors and Blogs

Interesting article in the Globe this morning about mayors who blog. When executed well it sounds like a great idea, although most of them sound like places to post boring press releases.

I'd like to see this in Newburyport. But not just the mayor. Why not have regular communications from public safety, schools, even teachers and students. Granted there are some risks, but there's no better way of getting a message out.

One line in particular struck me although it had nothing to do with Newburyport.

Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who doesn't have a computer in his office, does not have a blog.

Hard to believe everyone doesn't have a computer in his or her office these days.

1 comment:

Ari Herzog said...

Hard to believe everyone doesn't have a computer in his or her office these days

I have several friends who don't have cellphones. (I also know a guy who used to work on Governor Romney's communications staff who didn't have a cell; that blew me away.)

You're preaching to the choir on elected officials having blogs. That's one of the reasons I began posting a few months ago on that Around the North Shore forum.

One of my favorite municipal bloggers is Dave Ruller, city manager of Kent, Ohio. You can see his stuff here at Kent 360. He's not just posting drivel but it is easy to read and controversial topics have back and forth commenting.

Don't get me started on Joe Curtatone's so-called blog. I like the guy, but if he's serious he wouldn't do it on the weekly paper's website but devote an area on the city's website, or at least get his own domain.

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