Monday, March 17, 2008

Introducing The Dexters

All right,

This is either the first installment of an immensely new popular feature at Newburyport Posts, the introduction of a widely ingored feature or a one-time effort that never really amounted to anything.

So, introducing THE DEXTERS!

Each week or so, this space will offer up one blogger's assessment of the type of week local folks, groups, etc.

Outstanding, couldn't be better

Very good, but not perfect

A Fine Week

Not bad but they've had better


Whoa, don't step in that

Look for the first installment soon. Feedback, as always, is appreciated.


Anonymous said...

This, Mr. Salemi, is a riot.

Emo said...

Call me if you need to ink a basic cable deal for the broadcast rights.

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