Friday, December 28, 2007

Top Stories of 2007

What the hell, everyone else is doing it. So what were the biggest stories of this past year?

Rather than read through my boring list I'd ask you all to contribute. If no one bites I'll try to add more as I think of them.

Number one is the override. I think it was the defining moment of the year. It put the questions about school quality firmly on the agenda. It launched a few political careers (Stephanie Weaver, Nick deKanter) and possibly ended or sidelined a few others (did the Pro-Override folks help sink Gary Roberts?). Furthermore, it ain't over yet. It could be the top story of 2008 as well.


Anonymous said...

As someone who voted for the over ride I think the city and school unions not cooperating with the opportunity to save money by opting into the state insurance pool will hinder an over ride retry.

Tom Salemi said...

That's a fair point. I shared my feelings on this failure in an earlier post ( In the comments section Bruce Menin asked some questions that still haven't been answered adequately in my judgment. (Tell me if I'm wrong.) People will need those answers before voting.

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