Thursday, December 20, 2007

Nantucket North-Day 2

Again, a nice job by Stephen Tait. The guy clearly had a game plan going on and he's executing it quite well.

I had one issue with the article about the Jared Coffin house. The piece was fine, but I kept thinking one thing while reading the plight of an island of 10,000 people with no place to eat.

Couldn't someone else open a restaurant?

I mean, to hear Stephen tell it, there's a large number of folks standing around on that dairy farm of an island this winter with no place to grab a burger and a pint.

Hell, we're only a pad of butter and we've got several places in town and quite a few outside of town. (Barking Dog anyone?)

So if there are any entreprenurial restauranteurs out there looking for a new opportunity, you might want to consider opening a pub in Nantucket.

1 comment:

Emo said...

More restaurant blogging!

This is your best post since the closure of the sandwich shop.

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