Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Vote

Well, I voted. Things looked pretty quiet at Hope Church.

Quickly, Bruce Menin - one of the dissenting members of the Charter Review Commission - has come out in favor of the charter. Go here.

As for me, I voted for the damn thing. I guess  it came down to trusting the people who crafted it. But I had serious reservations. I didn't know how I was going to vote when I first walked through those church doors.


Anonymous said...

At least you voted. 7 out of 10 people did not. Pathetic.

Joe DiBiase said...

Honestly, I don't know why people get upset when someone, even a lot of "someones," doesn't/don't vote. If they can't find the time to vote they probably don't know what's going on, who the candidates are, what their positions on the issues are, etc.

Although an informed citizenry that takes voting seriously is what I would hope for, high voter turnout alone holds no virtue.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are some people who, given their lack of engagement, just shouldn't vote. That being said, surely more than 30 percent could have taken part?

Joe DiBiase said...

Yes, more than 30% could have taken part, but I guess my point is, is it desirous? My answer is, no, probably not.

There's greater turnout during a "bigger" election, because more people are "informed." I'm still not sure that they're actually, truly informed, and not indoctrinated.

Clipper89 said...

Informed = voted your way.

Joe DiBiase said...

Actually, no ... reasonable people may differ. But I don't want someone throwing darts at a dartboard, or using an even less reliable method.

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