Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Let's Brag a Bit

Speaking of Ed Cameron, Dyke Henrickson's City Hall Notebook discusses his suggestion that the city needs more signage downtown to educated about its long history.

I still think - and I can't find the post where I mentioned it - that SOMEONE should incorporate the Daily News' Port in Progress series into our downtown, putting up plaques on individual buildings featuring the articles that give their histories during urban renewal.

We also should install one large plaque/sign on Market Square and line it with photos taken of the square during the 1950s, prior to the start of urban renewal.

Newburyport accomplished a great thing and few know about it. It's time to brag a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more, as I recall the impetus for the series was a discussion in a coffee shop about how ignorant new comers are about redevelopment. I'm sure there are folks at the Daily News that would be willing to help with a project like this.

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