Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Councillor-at-Large Ari Herzog is reopening the door the City Council had shut down last night.

Herzog, who voted against the measure last night, filed a motion for reconsideration with the city clerk this morning. This would enable the council to reconsider the measure at its Nov. 28 meeting.

Only a councilor who voted on the prevailing side can motion to consider. Herzog was one of five councilors to vote against the rezoning. Six voted in favor, but the measure failed because it needed a super majority of eight councillors.

My rationale for voting the ordinance down stemmed from meeting with Clipper Way residents and Atria Merrimack Place residents during the recent campaign season, who, despite not being direct abutters, are peripheral abutters who are naturally concerned about increased traffic if a proposed CVS pharmacy is built at the corner of Storey and Low.
That said, I’m open to discussing the issue further — and voting on the prevailing side, I filed this morning a notice to reconsider my vote.

Herzog isn't saying he'll switch his vote, just that he'd listen.


Mary Baker Eaton said...

I've never heard of a City Councilor doing this before. Does this mean that the process was way too short for something that is such a big deal? I don't know what the procedural stuff is on something like this.

Tom Salemi said...

I don't have your history but didn't Brian Derrivan do this on the paid parking vote a few months ago?

Not common, I agree.

Mary Baker Eaton said...

I don't know?

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