Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's Legit

The fire dept. fundraising

Hi Tom,

I call the Fire Dept. Its legit. All donations are asked to be checks made out to Local Aid 27. The Fire Dept. makes donations to the Elks Troop support effort, families in need, baseball (Pioneer, High School, etc.) and others that come seeking aid.


I could have done that.


Anonymous said...

Who's doing the calling, and what percent do they get? Most of these campaigns are scams, even when they are associated with a real charity.

I was once in the outdoor entertainment business, so I subscribed to Amusement Business, which was the weekly newspaper of that business. I soon learned that it was also the weekly newspaper for the phone solicitation business. Its classified section was full of ads for solicitors. Most of the firms were based in Memphis, for some reason. The most prized opportunities were to work on "badge jobs"; i.e., soliciting for police and fire departments. I know from calls I receive that they try make you nervous about being on a list that refused to donate.

Tom Salemi said...

Jeepers Dick, I don't know.

I don't think it's fair to call these deals scams. Yes, I'm sure the callers take a percentage. I agree, I generally don't like to give over the phone.

Why don't you write a check and drop it off at the fire station if you're so inclined.

Or just post your credit card number here, make it easier.

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