Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome Knife Tricks Readers

I never officially thanked ole buddy/ole pal Park Karl Lukacs for his plug on his internationally renowned Knife Tricks blog. The blogosphere had never felt so warm and snuggly.

I wish I had an equally flattering photo of PKL to share. You'll have to visit Knife Tricks to find it. (Nicole, upon seeing the photo asked, "You looked like THAT when I was dating you?" Well, yes. I guess I did.) But Paul is a wily one. I could only find this photo of him visiting the beaches of Bokurdak, Turkmenistan.

For those of you who are interested in travel, airplanes, the law, history, books and genuinely great travel writing from North Korea and other exotic locales visit Knife Tricks frequently. Since he's never been to Newburyport stick around here for chatter about that.

1 comment:

Emo said...

I've never been a Label before.

Other Port Posters