Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Hope?

A week or so ago, I wondered if Mayor Holaday was backing off her believe that some development on the NRA lots was acceptable.

Dyke Hendrickson, in today's City Hall Notebook, isn't backing off the suggestion that she is.

One variable on waterfront development appears to be the agenda of Mayor Donna Holaday. She has said she is working with various stakeholders on the waterfront, including the representatives of mega-landowner Steve Karp. But she has been close-mouthed about what exactly is being discussed.
It appears that she wants to get a consensus on some kind of a plan before making her thoughts public.

Probably politically prudent to secure the ground before planting a flag.


Anonymous said...

development for tax dollars has never and will never lower taxes in newburyport, supporting development for that reason is foolish.

Tom Salemi said...

Thanks. I don't believe I ever suggested it would.

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