Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just a thought

 I wonder how many of the folks bemoaning the potential loss of Fowle's (hello self) stand opposed to the local historic district on the grounds that "no one should tell me what to do with my property." (hello not self.)

The possibility of losing the newsstand and restaurant irks me more every day ...


Fowles Fan said...

Even if they close, the sign is an icon. It's really deteriorated in recent years. Can't Karp at least fix it up?

Tom Salemi said...

I was going to check on this but I'll just wonder aloud...

Is there any sort of protection on that sign?

Should be.

Dick Monahan said...

Today's example of corporate silliness. Today's Daily News has an article about a local resident's cover story in the November Atlantic Magazine. I assume the DN story came about because of Atlantic PR.

The only problem is the issue won't be on the stands until Tuesday, but you can read it on the 'net right now, free.

What a missed opportunity to get folks to buy an issue of the magazine by getting them to their local news stand.

I'm irritated because I haven't received my copy in the mail yet, but they have its content on the web site.

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