Monday, February 9, 2009

PSA: Earth Day

Great things happen when people come together to share ideas.
Within the greater context of energy and the environment, please consider joining me and Linda Guthrie, co-chairs of the Newburyport Earth Day Celebration, on February 11, 2009 for a townhall-style chat to brainstorm ideas and kickoff this year's Earth Day festivities.
Tentatively planned for the week of April 20 - 26, 2009, this year's celebration is produced by the Newburyport Eco Collaborative, a community organization representing the City of Newburyport, the Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and the Greater Newburyport Environmental Network.
Linda and I seek your participation and collaboration to make this year's events the best in the Merrimack Valley–and beyond!
This community-wide meeting is open to business owners, elected officials, public and private school students, teachers and faculty members, community organizers, and other interested citizens of Amesbury, Newbury, Newburyport, Salisbury, and West Newbury. Pretend you're coming to a meeting with a presidential candidate; it will be less about what we have to say and more about what YOU want to share.
The meeting will occur on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the First Parish Church of Newbury, located at 20 High Road (Route 1A).
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to be involved in planning, participating, or otherwise volunteering, please visit to contact us today!
Thanks a lot,
Ari Herzog, co-chair

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