Monday, February 9, 2009

No Buskers Festival?

I'm still not sure what a Busker is, but apparently we won't be hosting their festival this year. At least that's what Ann Ormond of the Chamber told the Council.

I think this was the street festival with the various street performers.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Buskers are street performers.


Bean said...

Indeed, buskers are street performers, and the last couple of years the festival had some pretty talented acts. I enjoyed it a lot, bummer.

Anonymous said...

The next time you take the subway in Boston, check out the musicians. They're mostly at Park Street, Harvard Station, Downtown Crossing, and a few other stops. None of them pay to play; there's usually a free license they need and otherwise play to the heart's content and whatever donations people drop.

Many buskers operate similarly around Boston and Cambridge in public spaces.

Given this, I don't understand how there's a cost to put on a busker's festival--especially if citizens volunteer to help out. The only cost I can imagine is for tables, a food court, and waste pickup. What am I missing?

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