Monday, September 15, 2008

Ayuh, can't blog here from there.

Just got back from the deep woods of Maine. Not an Internet connection to be found, and even if I had found one, ain't no way in hell I was blogging or emailing.

(We did get a cell signal from the top of a mountain we climbed. But the Boy didn't want to talk to us when we called him at the grandparents house.)

Anyway, I hope that explains the absence.

Certainly a lot going on. But here's a semi-interesting link about a New England Development investment that went down the porcelain wastebasket.

You also might want to take a look at what's going on in Leominster. A NED site is responsible for a bit of environmental despoiling. The Karp crowd appear to be stepping up to the plate to correct the problem, but it's a shame it happened in the first place.

Our Mr. Karp is no King Midas.


Anonymous said...

Any chance you were at Embden again? I do miss that little pond. Although it's "just down the road a piece", I haven't been back since my teen years. Anyway, glad to hear Theo enjoys his grandparents ;-)

Tom Salemi said...

We passed right through Embden twice. But, as you know, THE hot spot is Madison. No better place to purchase gas and ice.


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