But in case you haven't noticed, the Daily News is beginning to take advanced orders for Port in Progress, The Book. It appears this will be a compilation of all the great collection of articles and photos that graced our Monday paper for most of last summer and early fall.
Yet another perfect Blogger's Day gift. (The Fowle's T-shirt is still welcome as well.)
On a related note, I can't get confirmation on the rumor that the Daily News is writing a series about the writing of the Port in Progress series. Stay tuned.
The series "Port in Progress:in Progress" is coming in the fall. After that the Musical ' "I'm in love with a city, I'm in love with a dream". I heard on Larry King live that Clay Akien has been seen around town having $3 ice coffees with Jack Bradshaw.
Next up: "Plum Island Erosion -- Volumes 1-3" with accompanying DVD.
The Tribune-Democrate. (Johnstown, Pa)
put out a book and DVD about the floods old and new, and the DVD out sold the book.
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