Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hmm, I wonder where they got the Pizza

Newburyport is represented nicely in a post on this blog, "No Stranger Land." Two recent college grads are walking across the country.

As an added bonus, the post ends in my hometown. The school profiled didn't existing during my day. But it's nice to know the accents haven't changed (check the video.) It's also nice to see the two hikers seemed to overcome their initial trepedation over the visit.

As for the pizza, I'm guessing Average Joe's.



Anonymous said...

Based on the reference to eating at a picnic table outside the cafe, I guessed something more like Abrahams or PizzaFactory (picnic tables in the back).

Tom Salemi said...

Good call.

Bean said...

A bit off topic, but Oregano's has some good pizza. Wife and I dined there on Saturday and we were impressed with the food, service and atmosphere.

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