Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Clones

By the way, what are the origins of the Santa parade held this weekend and the tree lighting/arrival held just after Thanksgiving. Does one predate the other?

I came upon the end of the Santa parade last night and saw the big guy atop the fire truck. Cool, but I still think the Coast Guard boat provides a better entrance.

It got me thinking .I wonder if we see Santa too much these days. As a kid, I made one trip a year to see Santa at Jordan Marsh (Mahsh) at Downtown Crossing. We'd look in the window, walk the common, etc., etc. I have some great memories.

Now it seems like Santa is everywhere, which in itself isn't a bad thing. But does too much Santa take away a bit of the magic?

In my mind, Santa is like Jaws: the less you see him the more real he seems.

And please, no Grinch cracks. I love the holiday. Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, I had the same thought watching Charlie Brown, it was an event when I was young, now you can watch it anytime you like, more convenient, but far less special. Family Guy, of all things, had a very good Christmas show, with everyone wanting everything Santa was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, it ended with a plea to everyone to ask for one gift each,making that one gift special.

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