Saturday, August 29, 2009

And I'm back

Hi Folks,

Sorry for the delay. Been a busy week. Let's just say I'm the proud father of a genuine Newburyport native. I recognize this does very little for my own personal standing, but I'll take comfort in knowing that someday he'll be able to rail against carpetbaggers like myself.

Thanks to the doctors and nurses at the Anna Jaques, we had a great experience.

I posted a few comments last week. I actually wrote up some replies, but I tossed them. I just get frustrated with the tone of anonymous commenters at times. Everyone is so critical, so angry, even when a councilor like Ed does something they get hammered for not doing it more quickly.

I just don't see the sense in that, and I'll stand by that position.

I suppose the "teachable moment" in all this is that the city council really has little jurisdiction in this case. The plan was approved by the planning board, which acts as an agent as the mayor. Yes, councilors can insert themselves in the process and often do. But if we really want them to be responsible for all these issues than we should switch to a city manager position.

But many people don't want that. They want a separation of powers between the city executive and council. They want the mayor to answer to them directly, and he does. So maybe questions and frustrations could be addressed to that office.

Finally, to Jen, thanks for posting the name. My reply was glib, but glibness is an occupational hazard for blogging, I suppose. Take offense if you must as I can't really control that.

Furthermore, if you want to vote for me or not vote for me based upon my writings here, that's fine.

And, if you don't agree with any positions I have or will put forward on the city charter than you definitely shouldn't vote for me. I hope there are lots of able options on the ticket. You could still be one of them if you'd like. Pick up papers at the City Clerk's office, get 50+ signatures, and return them all by Sept. 15.

But I'm not going to bite my tongue or change my tone to get elected to the Charter Review Commission. If that hurts my chances of getting elected, well, I've got many other things in my life to keep me busy and other ways I can serve.

Thanks for commenting.


Emo said...

Headline: Immigrant Has Anchor Baby

Tom Salemi said...

what the heck are you talking about?

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