Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome the Fat Man's Blog

Back in The Day, when I was a reporter at the Daily News, I had the occassional pleasure of meeting up with Dave Olson, then reporter for our sister paper in Gloucester, now big-time hot-shot editor of the Salem Evening News.

I haven't seen Dave in over a decade, but Tom Ryan was nice enough to bring to my attention a fund-raising effort Dave has taken on.

He's going to climb all 48 of the 4,000 footers in NH. Sound familiar? Yes, Tom and Atticus did this same thing once or twice.

So, while there isn't a direct Newburyport connection, I added Dave's blog (you knew he had to have a blog) to the blog roll. No doubt you'll enjoy the "Fat Man of the Moutains."

Plus, I'm promoting a fund raiser, so it must score me some good karma points, right? I need just 10 more to earn the fuzzy dice.

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