Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cameron Running for Ward 4

Ed Cameron posted the following on his blog:

Several weeks ago, wanting to keep my options open, I took out nomination papers for three offices: Ward Councillor, At Large Councillor, and Mayor.

With Mayor Moak deciding not to run, capable and committed candidates have declared for Mayor. And candidates have emerged for City Council as well.

As for me, I am going to be a candidate for re-election as Ward 4 Councillor. During the campaign ahead, I will also work hard for the Charter Review effort – a review which will help set Newburyport’s course for the future.

I look forward to the campaign. And I encourage others to get involved either as candidates or as volunteers.

Ed Cameron
Newburyport City Council

Glad to hear he's staying put.


Anonymous said...

That didn't take long. When a politician announces they're going to stay where they are, that's usually because they would have had no chance getting elected to the higher office they really want. Besides, wouldn't he have had to give up his seat to run?

Tom Salemi said...

You say that's what it usually what does it mean in the other instances? I'm curious.

Might it mean he likes either Shanley or Holaday and doesn't need to add himself to the mix? Or could it mean running right now doesn't fit his personal timetable (family, career, etc.)

No, he wouldn't have to give up his seat.He just would run for a different office.

As I'm sure you know, the city council and mayoral terms run on concurrent two-year cycles.

So he would have simply run for mayor or councillor-at-large and not run for Ward 4.

Not really giving up his seat.

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