Sunday, March 6, 2011

Parking in Portland

We hit Portland today. Took the kids to the Children's Museum. After dropping the family off in front of the museum I had two choices, pay $6 to park in a garage or cruise the street for free parking.

I cruised. Only once around the block, but I hit pay dirt.

This is my only concern about the city's parking plan which calls for free on-street parking.  Increased cruising.

We shall see.


Joe said...

Tom, were there time limits for the on-steet parking? Unless I missed a change (which is entirely possible!), I think the NBPT on-street parking will have more retrictive time constraints. I think it was 2 hours in most cases and 30 or even 15 minutes in "high turnover" areas. Perhaps folks will still cruise...

Tom Salemi said...

Joe, good point. First off, no time restrictions as it was a Sunday. Second, you make a great distinction, but two hours - even 30 minutes - can be a long time in Newburyport.

I think we'll see more cruising, but time will tell.

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