Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quite a moment for Democracy

I took The Boy to the polls.

I held his tiny hand as we walked in the Hope Church, checked in, picked up my ballot and ambled over to the booth

Once there, I knelt down to show him the ballot, all the names of the "mommies and daddies" who want to help the city including his own Daddy. I made sure he saw our last name on the ballot so he could really understand the significance of the day. (We'd been watching a Berenstein Bears in which Papa Bear runs for mayor of Bearville just last night.)

And then, after taking it all in, he spoke these words that I'll never forget....

"Daddy, I need to go to the bathroom."

Kind of gets you right here, doesn't it.


Tom Ryan said...

Tom. I think your son is quite astute...and a quick study. There are many who feel local politics makes them have to go to the john.

Dick Monahan said...

Isn't The Boy one of a set now? Don't you need another adjective in there? :-)

Tom Salemi said...

I do, Dick. I've been trying to develop one but nothing sticks. It'll come.

Anonymous said...

Commies don't have bathrooms , they have to just hold it. All you have to do is look at a photo of Khrushchev and you know this is true.

Dick Monahan said...

Of course, I hope Tom saves the post to show The Boy when he grows up how Tom made sport of The Boy just to get a lame punch line into the story. :-)

Tom Salemi said...

The Boy has more than enough emotional scar tissue to hold up against this onslaught.

Gillian Swart said...

Commies? Huh?

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