Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just got an interesting phone call

I typically avoid phone calls with odd phone numbers, but I just took this call. A woman caller - with a slight Southern accent - asked me if I could take a three-question opinion poll. I said sure.

1. Are you voting for Barack or Mitt Romney?
I told her I was probably going to vote for President Obama.

2. Are you voting for Elizabeth Warren or Scott Brown?
The Barack thing pissed me off a bit, so I said Elizabeth Warren (and that may hold true.)

So I'm thinking this is some kind of National GOP poll. Then came ....

3. In Newburyport are you in favor of the proposed Local Historic District.?

I said I was.

Then I asked, who was funding the question. She claimed she only knew it came from "Voter Research."

Finally (and yes, this is a fourth question) ...

4. Do you support the debt exclusion question for the schools and senior center? (I'm paraphrasing here.)

I said I did.

Anyone else get a call? Any insights on the source?


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised they didn't ask about the Waterfront or CVS Storey Ave rezoning or whether the Red Sox should trade Youkilis.

Ed Cameron

Jerry A Mullins said...

Why would local issues be mixed with national issues unless this poll was originating from a local source? And most interesting is the lack of a 'twist' in the call unless they plan on pouncing on someone local who is not 'set' in their opinion by now.

Someone needs to go out and warn the apathetic!

Tom said...

Nothing about birth certificates?

Tom Salemi said...

I admit it. I wasn't born in Newburyport.

Tom Salemi said...

I received it. Based on the framing of the questions, I believe the 4th was the reason for the poll. My first thought was, "Who is paying for this?"

Dick Monahan*

*Dick continues to have mysterious difficulty with the comments feature.

Emo said...

Warren is hopeless as a candidate.

Obama should make a deal with Mitch McConnell in which:

(1) Obama nominates Warren to the current vacancy on the federal trial court in Boston; and

(2) the Senate agrees to promptly confirm Warren as well as the pending Democratic nominations of William Kayatta to the appeals court and Tim Hillman to the trial court; and

(3) Obama and the DNC let Scott Brown coast to re-election.

That would let BHO salvage something out of the Warren debacle.

Emo said...

Here's what Obama needs to do to salvage something out of the Elizabeth Warren fiasco.

Make a deal with Mitch McConnell in which:

(1) Obama nominates Warren to the current vacancy on the federal trial court in Boston;

(2) The Senate promptly confirms Warren as well as Obama's other two pending Boston judicial nominations (one for the trial court, one for the appellate court); and

(3) Obama and the DNC let Scott Brown coast to re-election against token opposition.

Tom Salemi said...

We welcome all strains of the mentally deranged here at Newburyport Posts.

Anonymous said...

@tom clearly! you've got people actually willing to re-elect obama!

Tom Salemi said...


Emo said...

It would be the most awesome thing since the Compromise of 1820. And I'm only saying that once.

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