Friday, June 24, 2011


Okay, now let me just make this perfectly clear. Steve Karp's ownership will NOT change the tenor or tone of Newburyport in anyway.. He's just, um...trying to....oh...what....the...

Chamboard Chic Girls Night Out Newburyport from James F. Clark on Vimeo.


Okay, so this is ... fun. A friend pointed out to me - and I confirmed by watching myself - that the only three local institutions to obtain a plug where Michael's, 10 Center St., and the Phoenix Room, all three properties belonging to Mr. Karp's Newburyport Development.

I'm not really sure what the connection is between Dirty Water, NESN and Karp. But Dirty Water did a similar piece on NED's Cambridgeside Galleria last year.

Perhaps Red Sox/NESN ownership is making amends for beating Karp and Joe O'Donnell out for ownership of the Sox in 2002.

Which sort of takes me back to "It's a Wonderful Life." How would life be different around these parts if Karp had bought the Sox? Would he still have had an interest in owning half of the city?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? Is this what they want to turn Newburyport into???

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