Thursday, December 3, 2009


That's the sound of the other shoe dropping on the Towle Bulding project. Read the deets at Newburyportbiz. The city is in some stage of talks/consideration about buying the project. Looks like a lot of moving parts, but it's an interesting idea that I still need to get my brain around.

That said, it would be wrong of me not to point out that I raised this idea in April....

I actually thought of the senior center this week while reading in the Daily News about the mothballed luxury condo project behind the Towle building. It's a shame the building can't acquire one of these hafl built structures and convert it into a senior center. That would be the ideal spot, easy access to parking, the waterfront and many doctor's offices in the Towle building.

I left the many typos and grammatical errors to prove its authenticity.


Anonymous said...

I was going to say that, in the story ... and I do believe I DID say it, to Brian Derrivan ...
Gillian (on someone else's computer)

Tom Salemi said...

Hmm. Perhaps I should run for public office.


Ward 3 voter said...

Prediction: if this comes to pass, many people will jump in to claim credit -- including many who pushed very hard for the Kent Street site.

Emo said...

Blogger won't allow comments with embedded videos.

I've been trying to post a Kylie Minogue music video to entertain the good people of Newburyport, but Blogger refuses to accept it.

The jewel of the Oldtown Water District will have to make do with an embedded link.

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