Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time to take the Temperature

I'm planning to start running a weekly poll next week on the city's political leaders, starting with Mayor Moak.

The goal would be to establish a pre-election report card for the Mayor and the sitting council. I may do the School Committee as well, but I shamefully know very little about the board.

The poll choices likely will read.

Please indicate how satisfied you are with ______ ______'s performance.

Highly Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Unsatisfied
Not Satisfied

God, I'm boring myself. I may come up with some pithier offerings but I don't want to be too flip.

So the plan will be to offer up on official a week, starting with the Mayor. The City Council would follow in alphabetical order.

If anyone has any suggestions on improving the polls, please comment here.

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