Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Tidbits

Congratulations to all of you. Turnout was fantastic, according to the Daily News

Greater Newburyport voters lived up to predictions, turning out in record numbers yesterday to decide heavily fought races from the Oval Office to Beacon Hill.
Locally, turnout was as high as 87 percent in Rowley and 80 percent in Newburyport, with activity heaviest in the early morning as people lined up even before the polls had opened, causing traffic backups and logjams in parking lots.

Fishman was indeed the spoiler. From Difficult to believe Tisei wouldn't have scored a good deal of that support (assuming they would have voted at all if Fishman weren't on the ballot.)

With all 231 precincts reporting, the Democratic incumbent won about 48.25 percent of the vote to 47.25 for Republican Richard Tisei in the North Shore’s Sixth Congressional District, holding on in a House race ranked by Politico as one of the country’s 10 nastiest. It was also one of the country’s most expensive House races. Daniel Fishman, a Libertarian candidate, won 4.5 percent.

Congratulations to Katy Ives. I honestly didn't think she had a shot when I signed her papers a few months ago. I won't doubt her again. Here's the Daily News report here.

1 comment:

Tom Salemi said...

And what will he run as? I'm not convinced he can win a national post - i.e. Kerry's senatorial seat - as a republican.

Good question about Fishman.

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