Friday, November 9, 2012

Any Nominees?

Katy Ives' victory in the state senate race opens up a spot on the council, one that will be filled in the next few months, according to the Daily News. Steve Hutcheson would be an obvious choice given his finish in last year's election, but let's get some less than obvious suggestions.

Any nominees from the crowd?


Tom Salemi said...

Any crowd?

Anonymous said...

Were there any true justice in the world it would be a gentleman of character, grace, means and intellect. Someone who is, by default, the smartest person in the room, and yet modest enough to listen to his lessers.

In short, it would be me.

Unfortunately neither myself nor the hamlet of Newburyport is quite ready for that one.

- The Carrot

Anonymous said...

Carrot, I'd be willing to nominate you if for no other reason than to discover your actual identity...;-)

Ed Cameron

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