Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh Dear

Mary Baker Eaton is talking to George again. I guess it's high time I start blogging again.

Apologies for the extended absence. I don't have any one good reason for not blogging other than life's been crazy hectic with travel (San Francisco, the North Pole by train - took only an hour), the holidays (got not two but THREE books on Newburyport history for Christmas), and, oh yeah, work. You know, the place the pays me to put words to computer.

I suppose the principal reason for my silence is this: I didn't really feel it. And when I don't feel it, I don't force it.

But I'm feeling it again, especially after today's troubling account of the fate of 1 Little's Lane in Newbury. My fellow bloggers have it covered.

I also wanted to alert you all to tonight's meeting of the Council's Planning and Development Committee where the zoning change of Storey Avenue will be discussed. Starts at 6:30 pm.

Anyway, a belated Happy New Year.


Mary Bake Eaton said...

George is very relieved that you are back blogging again! Whew!! And 1 Little's Lane - one big 'Yikes!"

Jerry A Mullins said...

Great blogging requires a passion - I fully understand sitting back and taking a breather. It avoids 'burnout' but boy the city missed you.

Tom Salemi said...

That's very kind. Thanks.

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