Friday, July 29, 2011

No Candidates in Sight

The Daily News is running a glum article on the lack of political opponents in the upcoming election. 

Most shocking is the failure for school committee to draw enough candidates to fill its open seats. The Daily News  web site is lousy with anonymous commenters (not bloggers) who seem to know how exactly to manage the school budgets. It's shocking...just shocking...that none will run.

Speaking as someone who mulled a political run this year and opted out, I'll admit the commitment is daunting. So I give credit to those who put their names out there. They're not perfect, but at least they're showing up.


Anonymous said...

Kind of hard to get people to consider running for school committee if Weaver waits until the last few days to say she's not going to run again.

Tom Salemi said...

Why? I didn't realize two people couldn't run for the same seat.

Port Sanity said...

I assume you're being sarcastic when you say it's shocking that none of the armchair politicians won't be running. If they did, they may get elected, and then they'd find out how difficult it is to actually take a stand and act on it.

Anonymous II said...

I think what Anonymous is saying is it's one thing to run for an open seat, it's another thing to run against an incumbent. That scares off some people. Clearly, Ms. Weaver should have put the word out earlier to allow more people to think about running. I work for the schools and it was clear she was not running again for a while.

Tom Salemi said...

Thanks. I do get the point. I concede that an earlier word would have helped, and I'm not sure what Weaver might have done previously to get the word out. Maybe she was telling everyone she could but the paper never asked.

But I'm still struck by the fact that we hear many complaints about the schools but few people will step up to try to change things.

From my perspective, school committee looks like a really rough gig. I commend those who choose to serve.

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