Friday, February 4, 2011

Youth Commission Needs You

We members of Khaki-nation point to our parental responsibilities as reason one why we don't get involved in city activities. I suppose that's a fair justification, not one that I share entirely but I do understand the desire to be at home with one's kids instead of attending some meeting.

But here's where we all might want to make an exception.

The Newburyport Youth Commission is looking for new members. This is an important organization for those of us with children. The NYC helps identify, plan an execute communitywide experiences where those of us with kids - and those without - can gather, meet one another and enjoy as well as important programs like the after-school drop-in center.

Commission Member Jeff Ives says the NYC is at an important point. The group has successfully executed the five-year plan it crafted five years ago, and now it's ready to set a new course that will determine the community events/programs that will be held in the next five years. So if you've got kids you definitely have a horse in this race.

The meeting is Tuesday, 6:30 p.m at the Kelley School.

Jeff was kind enough to answer a few questions about the NYC. I'll print the short Q&A in a separate post so you can get an idea of the group's mission and expectations.

Oh and if you've got a beef with the commission, be a grown-up and email Jeff directly. Don't just drop a load of snark off in the comments section.

1 comment:

Emo said...

Posts about San Diego, please!

Other Port Posters