Friday, February 4, 2011

Q: What exactly does Newburyport Youth Services do? What events is it responsible for, other than the Winter Festival.

Jeff Ives: Newburyport Youth Services provides a combination of recreation and social services to children and families in the city. These services are being used by an increasing number of local kids, and they receive excellent reviews from parents and teachers. Thanks to the Youth Services department, kids are going on ski trips and coming to the Kelley School drop in center after school for homework help and mentoring. When the weather warms up local students can work as skate guards at the skate park and go to city-run summer camps. And when fall rolls around again there students can sign up for classes taught by local experts in everything from geocaching to movie-making. Students also have the opportunity to help guide the direction of these programs and run their own events by joining in the Youth Council.

All of these programs are designed and run by the Youth Services staff and volunteers to be exciting events that take place in an empowering and supportive environment. The youth who participate in them learn new skills and build lasting relationships with fellow students and staff. While portions of the Youth Services budget are funded by the city, they are also able to provide these services by running fee programs and holding fundraisers. This spring there will be a Rubber Duck Derby fundraiser in support of these programs to help keep them expanding and make them accessible to more families.

The Youth Services staff also manages grant-funded programs like The Beacon Coalition ( that has made real headway reducing drug and alcohol abuse among Newburyport youth by developing positive assets, such as honesty and integrity, in younger students that make them more likely to avoid these substances in high school. All of these programs have been built over the last five years, and additional opportunities are being developed.

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