Monday, October 20, 2008

Go Phillies


Emo said...

Sooner or later, everyone roots for the National League.

Anonymous said...

Really? you have no love for a team that went from the worst in baseball to the world series. A team that has a total team salary that is less than Jetter and Arod's. A team that by all rights should have rolled over and died after that collapes in game 5. Why "Go Phillies" pray tell?

Tom Salemi said...

I do love the team. It's the cowbell totin yokels in the stands I can't stands.

I'm sure half of them bought their Rays shirts and caps on the way into the stadium.

These folks need to suffer a bit more.

10 years of futility is not suffering, because they invested nothing in the process.

Now, they care. So now their spirits, hopes and dreams must be crushed.

This is the only path to salvation. We must crush their spirits in order to save them.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you people focused on the upcoming curling season?

Just another example of the failed Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

you are a true Sox fan, sports is something that needs a catharthis of sufferance to find not joy, but relief in victory.
Like we all share the combined guilt of the sins of the past we had no part of. I like the cowbell, in fact I say we need (sorry about this) more cowbell.

and with that I'll say good day sir.

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