Monday, December 5, 2011

Newburyport: A Measure of Change

Wow. I haven't had time to watch the entire piece, but I wanted to post this as soon as possible.

I've seen hundreds of still photos of downtown Newburyport, but this film presents actual color video of what the city looked like prior to the urban renewal movement.

The description:

Lawrence Rosenblum's award-winning examination of the landmark decision to use historic preservation principles for the first time in Federal HUD projects. Uploaded to with permission from Mr. Rosemblum.

Simply amazing. There will be a test on this, so watch and learn.


Mary Baker Eaton said...

The video of what the town looked like is so amazing!! It's a "must see." Thanks for posting it!! Mary

Anonymous said...

great lesson for people who want to see Karpland built...or for the NRA to pave over the waterfront lot.

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