Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ah, the Granite State

Toll booths, socialized liquor sales that draw from privately owned Mass. businesses, no sales tax and now casino gambling in Seabrook. I'm starting to think we should build a wall along our border.


Anonymous said...


Tom Salemi said...

Honestly, as a lifelong Mass. guy I'm sort of sick of the predatory disposition of our friends to the north.

Nearly every economic plan is based around the notion of sticking it to folks from Mass. who simply want to drive through their state to Maine, visit the big rocks that just happen to reside there or live in the northern part of the state.

I'm not really a fan of casino gambling. I think the problems offset the benefits. But once again NH will locate any an all casinos right at our borders so they get all the taxes and we share in any societal impacts.

Is it smart business? Yes. I understand why they're doing it. Just bugs me is all.

Anonymous said...

Go NH. Stick it to the man.

Emo said...

Delaware does the same thing. It charges $4 for people to drive the 11 miles of the "Delaware Turnpike."

States, BTW, should not be allowed to charge tolls on roads which are part of the federal interstate highway system.

Tom Salemi said...

That's an excellent point, PKL.

Bean said...

NH doesn't have a sales tax, which allows us folks in Northern Mass to benefit greatly. I'm not in favor of casino gambling, but if it helps to avoid imposing a sales tax, I'm not sure I can complain about it.

Bean said...

one more thing...

PKL, Delaware also lacks a state sales tax. The next time you have to pay that $4 toll, try to make it coincide with the purchase of a plasma tv or sectional.

Anonymous said...

If you want to really appreciate NH, go to youtube and look up "Granite State of Mind"

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